Videos contain information referencing cosmetic procedures. These are no longer eligible expenses UNLESS medically necessary.

SmallBiz Presentation

Cut your healthcare costs in half

If you’re a sole proprietor, professional or small business owner, you have three ways to fund your health and dental costs.

  • Pay from your own pocket using after-tax dollars and receive little or no tax break.
  • Purchase individual group coverage, pay more in contributions than you ever spend in claims, and watch your premiums increase every year.
  • Join bizflex for a cost-effective, flexible plan.

Affordable health care that’s there when you need it

bizflex HWT is a tax-deductible account that lets you write off your predictable health and dental expenses. By using before-tax dollars to pay for health care, your money goes further. What’s more, you only pay for the services you actually use, and any deposited funds not used in a given year will roll forward indefinitely.

In addition, a stop-loss insurance option we call bizflex plus limits the amount you’ll pay on a large unexpected health claim.

Customer Care